30 May 2022

城市宜居 自然共存 | Shiyan River Blueway Design



Shiyan River and Niugudou Reservoir Blueway Design




Project background


深圳发展的40年里,城市快速扩张严重影响了河流的环境。如河道空间被挤占河岸渠化,水源水库被城市交通设施分割,生物多样性退化。高密度的城市和以汽车为主的交通致使河岸的可达性和公共空间有限,社会的高速发展使传统文化和河岸生活方式式微。深圳市碧道总体规划设想到 2025 年恢复 1000 公里现有河湖,以实现社会经济发展与气候适应力、生态和空间质量和谐共存的良好人居环境愿景。作为广东省森林小镇的石岩,既拥有保护良好的山湖河生态格局,羊台山、石岩湖,也存在全国最大人工湿地——石岩河人工湿地,这是将被切割的山水绿色空间和文化碎片重构脉络,营造“生态慢城”的生态基底和终极底气。
The rapid urbanization in Shenzhen had substantially changed the rivers in the city. The rivers had been neglected, serving only as a low-quality discharge channels, which lead to ecological degradation in biodiversity. Squeezed riverfront public space is of poor quality accessibility with fragmented slow traffic routes. And community life is separated from the rivers. Therefore, the Blueway policy, envisions the recovery of 1000 km existing rivers and lakes by 2025. The design aims to create resilient waterfront spaces that are socially inclusive, ecologically healthy, climate adaptive and culturally appealing.The design of the Shiyan River-Niugudou Reservoir embodies the vision of the river landscape as a blue-green backbone to build resilient nature and resilient community.




Vision and Planning


石岩河-牛牯斗水库碧道全长 11.48 km,地处粤港澳大湾区的核心区之一——深圳市。



Shiyan river with total length of 11.48 km and Niugudou reservoir with total area of 432556㎡.This project locates in One of the core areas of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area—Shenzhen, The design of the Shiyan River-Niugudou Reservoir embodies the vision of the river landscape as a blue-green backbone to build resilient nature and resilient community.,The Green Blueway helps Shiyan to improve its biodiversity and ecosystem stability, and to create more diverse neighborhood living culture and vibrant villages. River has become a powerful tool for achieving ecological restoration, social and economic prosperity, as well as accelerating urban regeneration.




Design strategic



Our goal are multi-fold and intend to encourage people to listen to the voices of landscape, community and urban developments, restore landscape, connect communities, and realize potential progresses. Inspires industrial linkage to enable Shiyan to transform and upgrade, creates new landscapes to in cubate local culture, rebuild stormwater management to better environment and ecology, and fully integrate Shenzhen's modern culture with the timeless traditions to create a happy Shiyan.


Landscape (ecological strip):provides green growing base to sustain a scenery Shiyan.



Community (graceful and lohas living strip): connecting urban community life circles and merge in the rhythm of the city.



Potential (creative culture strip): modern technology grows from Shiyan’s traditions, culture incores assembly to invoke featured entrepreneurship.



Potential (industry linkage strip): linkage of industries to provide public service and elevate economic sustainability.




Functional area



Intertwining landscape ecological strip, graceful and lohas living strip, creative culture strip, and industry linkage strip creates a highly fused green network. By combining functionalities and scenes along the strips, we define four major theme areas: popularity, energetic, literature and art, breath-in-the-woods.




Popularity area: rejuvenate old neighborhood

Thru new core for old streets and twilight for neighborhood strategies, we intend to renew the city to mold the shopping strip, traditional village street to form apopular and attractive living zone.




Energetic cluster: mold a vibrant riverside community garden.

Energetic waterfront and energetic corridor are proposed along the city subway line.  These two project may inject vigor into this strip to enrich life content according to various needs for related groups.


Literature and art: Singing the future technology green valley with unique literary art.
Mingling literature and art landscape and technical garden to form connection with urban ecology.




Breath-in-the-woods: create green lungs for the city.

Niugudou Reservoir area is divided into ecological conservation area and natural activity area. They restores nature and relocate people into nature, where people can appreciate the natural wildness in the lakes and mountains away from the city.


Through the series of four lines, the four-scene scene creation endows the site with unique spatial charm, creating a waterfront urban space with natural and social resilience. Realize the vision of a good living environment in which socio-economic development and climate resilience, ecology and spatial quality coexist in harmony.










LingNan Design Group Co.,Ltd.、

NL Urban Solutions B.V. 、

China Design Group Co.,Ltd.