16 Jun 2022

山海本底 润泽之城 | Planning and Design of Chishi River in Shenshan



Planning and design of the two banks of the Chishi River in the Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone




Project background



The Chishi River is located to the east of Shenzhen, in the district of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone, designated as the 11th district of Shenzhen. Alone the river, the strip will become a new central development corridor for the city for innovation. It plays a key role in the urban development of the Great Bay Area. This river is the home to diverse flora and fauna ecological habitats and cultural heritage of traditional river-based villages.


Chishi’s intertidal wetlands are especially precious as Shenzhen has lost 75% of its wetlands between 1990 and 2018, and wetlands are globally endangered. With mountains, forests, freshwater, brackish and intertidal wetlands, Chishi River’s 37 kilometres are the most ecologically in Shenzhen. However, flood risks from mountain, rivers, high tides, heavy storms and typhoons are increasing due to urbanisation and climate change, in addition to droughts and water quality issues. Current population is anticipated to grow from 70,000 to 1.5 million, putting huge pressure on local ecology, traditional culture and a sustainable relationship with nature.




Vision and Planning



赤石河流域 50 平方公里总体规划的目标是:设计该地区的气候适应能力,整合和增强生态和生物多样性,保护传统文化,同时在城市化进程中赋能当地村庄社区。

Tackles the complex task of how to extend Shenzhen eastward and urbanize the ecologically and culturally precious Chishi River Basin, preserving biodiversity and cultural heritage while ensuring climate resilience for a future city. The goals for the 50-square-kilometre master plan of Chishi River Basin are: designing for the climate resilience of the region, integrating and enhancing ecology and biodiversity, and preserving traditional culture while empowering local village communities within the process of urbanisation.




Design Questions and Principles






In the future, the Shenzhen-Shantou Cooperation Zone will develop rapidly, and by 2035 (the end of the general planning period), the population will increase from the current 70,000 to 1.5 million. It is conceivable that large-scale and rapid urbanization may bring challenges such as flood control safety, ecological protection, and changes in residents' living and livelihood styles. The design challenge is how to integrate a newcity, a biodiverse mountain-river-sea ecology and ancient villages so all three benefit. The design focuses on the following three questions:

1、How to lay the foundation for a climate resilient city? 

2、How to enhance ecological value across Chishi River Basin? 

3、How to preserve current village culture inside future urbanization and empower local village communities?





Applies Nature-Driven Urbanism and is guided by three design principles that capture the values and goals of the project:

1、Living with water (climate resilience)

2、Abundant ecology (biodiversity)

3、Harmonious urban-rural living (cultural heritage, vibrancy / liveability)



Nature-Driven Urbanism is an urban planning approach that prioritizes ecology, climate adaptation, and the needs of local residents. The master plan proposes a blue-green framework, which consists of mountain parks, mountain foot parks, river parks, agri parks and urban parks,as the foundation for both rural and urban settlements. Protective measures, i.e. dikes, water storage or floodplains, are turned into landscape features that enrich biodiversity. Meanwhile, existing villages are preserved by keeping their farmlands, ponds and forests intact that sustain traditional livelihoods.




Design Strategy



The design is committed to creating a new urban development plan with dual inheritance of ecology and society. Through the systematic integration of different interface spaces, the relationship between nature, city and countryside can be balanced to benefit each other. Based on the vision, the design strategy of "warm and beautiful" is proposed. Nourish the city, the city treats nature kindly, "Moisturizing City" embodies the wisdom of Chinese people to live in harmony with nature.



气候恢复力  Climate Resilience


一、从占流域面积 64.1% 的山区源头管理开始,提出了多种措施来保持水和减少径流,扩大现有山区水库蓄水能力,赤石河及其支流每年将额外蓄水96万立方米。其次,扩大天然洪泛区,保护河流生态,增加洪水容量,具有确定洪水频率的功能;





Starting with source management in the mountains, which comprise 64.1% of the basin area, various measures are proposed to hold water and reduce run off. The water storage capacity of existing mountain water reservoirs is enlarged. In the Chishi river and its tributaries an extra 960000m3 of water will be stored yearly. Expand the natural floodplain to protect the river ecology and increase flood capacity, with flood frequency determining functions.

Secondly, The double dike system provides protection to agricultural land while creating scenic trails, bicycle lanes, and viewing platforms.

Thirdly, to further relieve sea flood pressure, Oyster Island occupies 130,000 m2 in the estuary and reduces peak flow velocity and waves while enriching estuary ecology.

Fourthly, local rainwater retention and controlled urban run-off is achieved by creating an urban blue-green network throughout the city. To improve the water quality of Chishi River, natural water purification measures are implemented in the tributary rivers.

Finally, Water management throughout the basin is optimized with a smart online system that integrates advanced modelling, water quality and quantity monitoring, and early flood warnings.


生物多样性  Abundant Ecology



二、根据广泛的生态调查,15条野生动物走廊被战略性地放置在连接山、河、海和城市的地方。位于核心栖息地之间的另外 6 个生态垫脚石旨在提供不同栖息地的宝贵补丁,提供连通性并造福整个地区的生态。


First, Chishi River has extremely valuable habitats, like terrestrial forest-freshwater habitats, brackish water habitats and intertidal wetlands.Chishi River’s enhanced blue-green framework is meanwhile the ecological foundation aimed at hosting humans as well as fish, birds, insects, vegetation, and their habitats.

Secondly, 15 wildlife corridors have been strategically placed connecting mountains, river, sea and city. A further 6 ecological steppingstones, positioned between core habitats, are intended to provide valuable patches of different habitats, providing connectivity and benefitting the ecology of the whole region.

Thirdly, The intertidal wetlands with the highest ecological value are connected to form a regional tidal park integrating rivers, increasing biodiversity and flood resistance, connecting the city with nature allowing residents to experience the dynamic river landscape with abundant habitats.


城乡和谐生活  Harmonious Urban-Rural Llving



二、交通设计将城市设施、历史悠久的村庄和体验自然的地方平等地连接起来。以河流为中轴线,优化道路网络,城市聚落由绿指和河岸定义。一条 10 公里的大道(智能环路)连接老城区、交通枢纽、市中心和农业公园。这条大道将促进高科技与传统知识之间的创新和知识,同时将自然和文化带到深圳的家门口。

First,employs various strategies to preserve and nourish cultural heritage, First, the landscapes of Chishi’s ancient settlements are preserved as whole as possible: historical buildings, village structure, related mountains, farmlands, ponds, Fengshui forests. These rural landscapes become ‘Agricultural Parks’ within the city, named after the villages they encompass. As their guardians and operators, villagers maintain familiar and dignified livelihoods.

Secondly, transportation is designed to equally link urban amenities, historic villages, and places to experience nature. The river is used as a central axis to optimize the road network and urban settlements are defined by green fingers and riverbanks. A 10km avenue (Smart Loop) connects old town, traffic hub, city centre, and agricultural parks. This avenue will catalyse innovation and knowledge between high-tech and traditional  knowledge, while bringing nature and culture to the doorstep of Shenzhen. 






滨河50公里慢行道与公交节点无缝接驳。打造 “游乡、听河、登山、品城、尝海”五大主题游览路线,串联9景20个水岸目的地。上游竹筏乡野漂流,感受原乡风情,中游古老村镇里漫游,品尝山海的味道,或从凤河义渡古渡口乘坐游船,至下游河口观鸟感潮。通过赤石河上现代与传统结合的多元体验之路,体验最深圳的深汕,也是最汕尾的深汕。















NL Urban Solutions B.V.(规划+生态专业)




IFLA Asia-Pac LA Awards 荣誉奖‍‍‍‍

香港城市设计奖(规划/ 概念类) 大奖